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InventHelp Assisting New Inventors with Patenting

As a new inventor, you might have several questions regarding InventHelp and the patenting process. InventHelp is a company that specializes in helping inventors navigate the complex world of patents and bring their ideas to market. Here are some common questions from new inventors about InventHelp and its role in assisting with patenting.

What is InventHelp?

InventHelp is a leading inventor service company that aims to support inventors throughout the invention and patenting process. With over 35 years of experience, the company offers various services, including patent referrals, submissions to industry professionals, virtual invention prototypes, and invention licensing assistance.

How can InventHelp help new inventors with patenting?

InventHelp can facilitate the patenting process for new inventors in several ways:

  • Patent services: Assisting with patenting can be a complicated process, but InventHelp provides assistance with all aspects of the patenting process. The company can help you file your patent application with the USPTO, as well as provide legal support and guidance throughout the process.
  • Patent application preparation: Once you have collaborated with a patent practitioner, InventHelp can help you with the required support in preparing and submitting your patent application.
  • Patent searches: Before applying for a patent, InventHelp can assist with conducting a preliminary patent search to determine if your invention is unique and not previously patented.
  • Industry reviews: InventHelp can facilitate industry reviews of your invention, which can be valuable for identifying potential licensees and securing partnerships to bring your product to market.

What Happens After Obtaining A Patent?

After successfully obtaining a patent, InventHelp can offer additional services, such as:

  • Invention marketing: InventHelp can help market your invention to potential licensees and businesses. This includes submitting your invention to select companies within their network that may have an interest in your product.
  • Licensing negotiation support: InventHelp can work with you to develop a licensing strategy, identify potential licensors, and negotiate agreements.
  • Virtual invention prototypes: InventHelp’s Virtual Invention Presentation (VIP) service can create a realistic, 3D animated video showcasing your invention. This can demonstrate how your invention works, its key features, and benefits, helping potential licensees and investors understand your product’s value.

How Much Does InventHelp’s Service Cost?

The cost of InventHelp’s services varies depending on the specific assistance required. It’s essential to discuss your needs with an InventHelp representative to understand which services are best suited for your invention and budget.

While pursuing a patent and bringing an invention to market can be expensive, InventHelp aims to provide cost-effective solutions for inventors looking to turn their ideas into reality.

Is InventHelp Suitable For My Invention?

InventHelp’s services can be beneficial for a wide range of inventions across various industries, including consumer products, medical devices, electronics, and more. However, not all inventions are suitable for patenting or have commercial potential. It is crucial to consult with InventHelp and a patent practitioner to determine if your invention meets the necessary criteria for patenting and market success.


InventHelp is dedicated to providing comprehensive support to inventors throughout their journey, from the patenting process to marketing their inventions. By addressing some of these common questions and concerns, aspiring inventors can better understand the value and assistance InventHelp offers.

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Understanding Jeremy Piven: A Detailed Biography

Jeremy Piven, a seasoned actor with a diversified career spanning over three decades, is best known for his remarkable contribution to television, film, and theatre.

Introduction to Jeremy Piven

Born on July 26, 1965, in Manhattan, New York, Jeremy Piven grew up in a family deeply rooted in the arts. His parents, Byrne Piven and Joyce Hiller Piven, both actors and drama teachers, founded the Piven Theatre Workshop. Piven’s childhood was heavily influenced by the arts, laying the foundation for his successful career in acting.

Early Life and Education

Raised in Evanston, Illinois, Piven got an early start in acting through his parents’ theatre workshop, where he received his initial training. After high school, he attended Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, before transferring to New York University. In 1986, he graduated from the prestigious Tisch School of the Arts, indicating his seriousness about a career in acting.

Starting His Acting Career

Piven’s professional career kicked off with supporting roles in both television and film. He showcased his versatility through sitcoms like “The Larry Sanders Show” and films such as “Singles” and “Heat” in the early ’90s. As Piven’s career progressed, he began to carve a niche for himself in Hollywood, known for his impeccable comedic timing and ability to embody varied characters.

Major Milestones in His Career

In 2004, Piven landed the role that would become his career-defining moment – Ari Gold in HBO’s “Entourage”. As a fast-talking, hot-headed Hollywood agent, Piven’s performance was universally praised, earning him three consecutive Emmy awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series.

Piven captivated audiences with his compelling performance as Harry Selfridge in the historical drama series “Mr. Selfridge” displaying his range beyond comedic roles. His robust and vibrant portrayal of the flamboyant entrepreneur solidified his place as a versatile actor in the industry.

Moreover, Piven’s talent isn’t confined to screens; he has also made a significant impact on stage. He has appeared in plays such as “Fat Pig” and “Speed-the-Plow”, affirming his status as a powerhouse performer beyond the small and big screens.

Piven’s extensive and varied career showcases the actor’s in-depth understanding of his craft and his unwavering commitment to offer his best in every role he undertakes. Through his journey, he has rightfully earned his place in the great pantheon of Hollywood talent. The inspiring trajectory of Jeremy Piven’s career serves as a powerful testament to his talent, hard work, and dedication to the craft of acting.