Health and Beauty

How Yoga Helps In Anxiety Relief: Asanas You Can Practice Daily

Stress, fear, anxiety – we call them negative emotions and we have reasons. If one day we would start recounting all those occasions when we have experienced them in our lives, we will surely lose count. During a crucial exam, the first date or a job interview…we face anxiety almost on a daily basis. However, what must be noted is that a little bit of fear in your daily life is normal.

Weird as it may sound, fear is an emotion that actually makes us more focused, disciplined and dynamic. The real problem arises when fear becomes a constant and intimidating threat and start interfering with our everyday life.

Fear and stress at this level can lead to anxiety disorder and this is where yoga can help!

Yoga For Anxiety Relief

When you practice yoga regularly you stay calm and relaxed. It also gives you the strength to face the challenges life throws your way daily. And since yoga comes with a complete package of correct body postures and breathing techniques it imbibes in you new strength of positivity and confidence. And it doesn’t matter what your source of anxiety is, yoga practices will always help you to relax, release the pent up energy and refocus.

Here are Yoga Poses for Anxiety Relief

Downward Facing Dog

In this pose your body forms an inverted V. You will feel the tension slowly building in your neck. Stay in that position and practice breathing exercises. You don’t have to hold your breath for 10 counts at the very beginning. Start with what you are comfortable.

Extended Puppy

Here you come down on all your four limbs. Next, move your hands forward till your chest almost touches the floor. Now simply rest your forehead on the floor and relax. You will feel the muscles getting stretched and then relaxed around your neck and spine.

Standing Forward Bend

It helps you to release the tension from your neck, back, and shoulders, and as you stand bending forward you also clear your mind. Your body will seem to be almost folded in half with this pose.

Half Moon Pose

In half moon pose you balance your pose and eradicate the anxious thoughts from your mind. In a way as you balance your body you bring your mind to a balance too.

Camel Pose

It is sort of a backward bend and with it you release tension from your body.

These poses really help! So, if you can practice one or some of them as a daily ritualistic habit …you will feel your anxieties getting released more and better as you can learn from Nirogi Tan health portal.

Here’s to a happy and healthy life!

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