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Health and Beauty

Cataract treatment

Surgical intervention is only required after several months or years after the onset of this disease. During all this time the patients can correct this refraction defect by using special glasses or contact lenses.

Cataract treatment important facts

The early stages of cataract can be treated by wearing special glasses or contact lenses. But the only effective treatment for this disease is surgical correction. The cataract requires surgery only when it affects the patient’s daily activity. The mature cataract, which “swells” or “disintegrates” in the eye, consists of an emergency operation. Modern surgical techniques of cataract treatment allow ambulatory surgery, which lasts 15 to 20 minutes under local anesthesia (two small injections in the eyelid or two small drops). The most modern cataract correction technique is phacoemulsification (aspiration of the sick lens using ultrasound) with fold lens implant.

The benefits are clearly in favor of surgical procedures: small incision, no bleeding, no need to suture, are cured in a week, and the fold lens has a very good biocompatibility. Matters a lot how much of an expert is the surgeon who performs the cataract correction procedure. The possible intraoperative and postoperative complications in the case of treatment by phacoemulsification are completely treatable as described on Health Care Guys blog.

Cataract natural treatment

Purification therapies of the body or posts are prescribed. Also very good is a cure of 3 weeks with vegetable juices and teas: Drink daily 1.5L of fresh carrot juice with parsley. Unsweetened tea of sage, 2 cups / day, between meals; horse tail tea (15 g), nettle vine (10 g), knot weed (8 g) and hay (6 g). Mix well these plants. Over the scalding plants you put two cups of boiling water, pouring the obtained tea over the first. Through boiling you obtain the saticilic acid which is necessary in cataract treatment.

You must drink this hot, unsweetened tea with small sips, half a cup every morning on empty stomach before lunch meal and in the evening before bedtime. After half an hour you drink the first sip of carrot juice with parsley, and other 10-15 rare sips. The remaining juice drink it during the day, alternating with sage teas and those of mixed herbs. During this cure do not eat any meat. After 16 hours, you can drink a cup of infusion of apple peels.

You must put compresses on the eye, for about 10-15 minutes, with an infusion of weeds. You grease the eyelids several times a day with Swedish bitter. Swedish bitter should not be put in the eyes, but should be given over the eyelids. It is also recommended steam baths eyes with an infusion of elder flowers, weeds and valerian as well as daily drops in the eyes (a cure for 14 days), with aloe vera juice.

Health and Beauty

Finding a good family dentist

Keeping up with your oral health is just as important as keeping up with the health of any other part of your body. You wouldn’t trust some random general practice doctor for the health of your family, so you shouldn’t leave choosing a dentist up to chance, either. You want to know your family’s oral health is in the best hands possible, so follow these tips to choose the best dentist.

Ask for Personal Referrals

A good place to start is to ask friends and family who live near you for recommendations. Find out who their dentist is, where they are located, and of course their experience with their dentist. Is the office welcoming? How is the dentist with children? Do they feel they are always treated with kindness and respect? If they’ve had nothing but great experiences with their dentist, you know it’s worth looking into. There are a lot of children that have anxiety when going to a dentist. Read these tips for child anxiety.

Consider Convenience

You’ll also want to decide how far you’re willing to travel. If you have family members who love their dentist, but it’s 45 minutes away from you, it’s probably not worth the drive if there are other great dental offices closer to home.

You’ll also want to find out if the dentist offices you’re considering offer emergency services if needed and how easy it will be to schedule regular cleanings and checkups.

A big part of convenience is of course to make sure the dentist you choose works with your insurance or offers affordable financing options if you’re not insured. Great dentists want to make good oral care and health accessible to all, so they should accept many different insurance forms and offer financing or other arrangements. If you can’t tell by looking at their website which insurance or payment types they accept, just call and ask!

Make an Unannounced Visit

If you’ve narrowed your list down to a few dentists but you still haven’t made your decision, stop by their offices. If you walk in without calling first, you’ll be able to get a true grasp on how their day-to-day operation works and you’ll be able to see first-hand how friendly they are to visitors.

Health and Beauty Home

Becoming A Vegan

Since you made your way over to this article, I can only assume that you are considering becoming a vegan. Many people think that this is going to be a very tough transition, and it could be if you do not handle it precisely. One thing I recommend you do is start by creating a plan to implement so that you know what you are eating all day long. This will give you the ability to take all of the guesswork out of your diet at first, and it should make this transition a lot easier.

Another thing that I recommend is you shouldn’t try and instantly become a vegan overnight. Some people are easily able to do it, but I wasn’t one of them. I’m a vegan now, and I’m happy that I made this transition. But it took a little while for me to get to this stage. So I recommend you consider doing the same if you feel like you are putting too much pressure on yourself all at once.

The first thing I did on my own personal vegan journey was giving up all forms of dairy products at the start. You do realize as a vegan that you will not be consuming any animal products at all, correct? So start out with the dairy if you feel like it is going to be difficult for you, and then move on to meat and some of the other things that you plan to give up. There are also really good vegan “meat” products. Just search for the best vegan plant based meat online and you will get a lot of results.

I know my personal vegan transition was all about good health, so even though I wasn’t required to in order to officially become a “vegan”, I gave up a lot of fattening food items and oils as well because I wanted to improve my overall health. I know some people will disagree with some of the choices I made, but that’s their prerogative and I’m going to live my life the way that I see fit.

Remember to start off this journey with a healthy mind and you should be fine. You’re never going to know if this is the diet for you unless you try it, so make the effort to switch today.

Health and Beauty

STD Testing

Each and every day, many thousands of people throughout the country get infected with sexually transmitted diseases. Whether it is HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, or hepatitis, STDs are a very common problem for anyone who is sexually active in any form. Unfortunately, even though these diseases are all very common, they can also have extremely dire consequences if not caught early and given proper treatment. From infertility and sexual problems to extreme illness and death, sexually transmitted infections are no laughing matter.

The problem is that, within our culture, STDs are considered a taboo topic. While a huge percentage of the population will have to deal with at least one of them over the course of their life, nobody really talks about them. This can make the process of getting tested for an infection and dealing with a positive result a lot more stressful than it should be. It also has the unfortunate consequence of making people put off testing and treatment out of fear of being embarrassed or having other people find out.

Whether you have been putting off getting tested for STDs or you have just found out that you may have been exposed, it is very important that you go ahead and get the necessary tests. There is a at home STD test kit as well if you want to do it yourself.

An important thing to remember is that not all STDs have noticeable symptoms. In fact, many of them don’t have any symptoms at all- at least in the early stages. However, just because diseases like HIV and Chlamydia don’t produce obvious symptoms like gonorrhea, doesn’t mean they aren’t doing damage and can’t be passed on to your sexual partners.

Early testing can make the difference because losing your fertility, suffering permanent pain or disfigurement, or even death. It can also allow you to get treated so that you don’t pass the infection on to future sexual partners and contribute to the disease’s spread.

Remember, just because most people don’t like to talk about STDs doesn’t mean they aren’t prevalent and that you aren’t at risk of contracting one. If you are sexually active in any form, you may be at risk of having or getting an STD. Don’t wait until it is too late before getting the testing and treatment you need.

Health and Beauty

How Yoga Helps In Anxiety Relief: Asanas You Can Practice Daily

Stress, fear, anxiety – we call them negative emotions and we have reasons. If one day we would start recounting all those occasions when we have experienced them in our lives, we will surely lose count. During a crucial exam, the first date or a job interview…we face anxiety almost on a daily basis. However, what must be noted is that a little bit of fear in your daily life is normal.

Weird as it may sound, fear is an emotion that actually makes us more focused, disciplined and dynamic. The real problem arises when fear becomes a constant and intimidating threat and start interfering with our everyday life.

Fear and stress at this level can lead to anxiety disorder and this is where yoga can help!

Yoga For Anxiety Relief

When you practice yoga regularly you stay calm and relaxed. It also gives you the strength to face the challenges life throws your way daily. And since yoga comes with a complete package of correct body postures and breathing techniques it imbibes in you new strength of positivity and confidence. And it doesn’t matter what your source of anxiety is, yoga practices will always help you to relax, release the pent up energy and refocus.

Here are Yoga Poses for Anxiety Relief

Downward Facing Dog

In this pose your body forms an inverted V. You will feel the tension slowly building in your neck. Stay in that position and practice breathing exercises. You don’t have to hold your breath for 10 counts at the very beginning. Start with what you are comfortable.

Extended Puppy

Here you come down on all your four limbs. Next, move your hands forward till your chest almost touches the floor. Now simply rest your forehead on the floor and relax. You will feel the muscles getting stretched and then relaxed around your neck and spine.

Standing Forward Bend

It helps you to release the tension from your neck, back, and shoulders, and as you stand bending forward you also clear your mind. Your body will seem to be almost folded in half with this pose.

Half Moon Pose

In half moon pose you balance your pose and eradicate the anxious thoughts from your mind. In a way as you balance your body you bring your mind to a balance too.

Camel Pose

It is sort of a backward bend and with it you release tension from your body.

These poses really help! So, if you can practice one or some of them as a daily ritualistic habit …you will feel your anxieties getting released more and better as you can learn from Nirogi Tan health portal.

Here’s to a happy and healthy life!

Health and Beauty

Responding To Symptoms Of Covid 19

People usually want to feel well as soon as they can, when faced with an illness. Identifying the ailment, and knowing how to deal with its effects, are the best ways to ensure a speedy recovery. Consulting with a health care professional is often advisable, though a lot can be done at home, as well. If a person knows what to be watchful for, the symptoms of covid 19 are easily targeted.

A common type of covid 19 is the kind that manifests in the head and chest. Nasal congestion, headaches, and sore throat are all signs of a possible virus. Excessive coughing, along with respiratory inflammation, can be another indication. Fever is sometimes a cause for serious concern, and should be monitored carefully.

There are many methods for easing the symptoms, should a viral infection occur. Temporarily, a hot, steamy shower is effective at helping to breathe better. A humidifier accomplishes the same thing, but is able to do so continually, in the background. In order to soothe a raw, itchy throat, it is helpful to drink clear liquids, like tea and water. For sinus and headache pain, medications can sometimes be useful.

Regarding symptoms such as vomiting or severe cramps, it may be best to consult with a physician. Other problems, like mild nausea and diarrhea, can sometimes be handled with over-the-counter-medicines. Hydration is vital, and it is crucial to stay vigilant about replenishing the body. Until the illness subsides, it is often recommended to eat foods that are bland, such as applesauce, bananas, and clear broth.

In a great number of instances, the earliest indications are less easily defined. They can be clear warning signs of a possible virus, and should be given proper attention. Covid 19 can be accompanied by similar issues, like irritability and fatigue that seem to appear for no reason. More potential evidence includes chills and fever as you can read from this article about covid 19 vs hiv.

To fight fatigue caused by covid 19, much bed rest is advisable. Being dehydrated also leads to being tired and irritable, and sufficient water is important. Confusion and exhaustion are apt to go away, once the illness is over. If they do not dissipate by then, an appointment with a doctor may be a good idea.

As is true with most ailments, if the signs are excessive or persistent, a health care professional should be consulted. It helps, too, to know how a virus affects the body, and what to do, to combat it. Symptoms of covid 19 are generally detected quite easily, and they can be dealt using an assortment of methods.

Health and Beauty

How to Find A Good Dentist

For many people, visiting the dentist is something they dread. This is why finding a true professional in Brisbane is so important. You see, a dentist who has experience and skill is one who will help to put you at ease, giving you peace of mind while you have dental procedures done.

Of course, finding the right person like this is no small task. With so many options to choose from, it may be difficult finding the one who is most knowledgeable, skilled, experienced? Here are several excellent tips that can help you to find the dentist that you want – one who will make it easier for you to deal with your dental problems and how to solve them.

Check with people you know. One of the best things you can do when you are trying to find a quality dentist in Brisbane is to talk to people you know. Talk to members of your family, people at work, and your good friends. These are people you probably trust and they may be able to tell you about a good dentist who has provided them with great results again and again. This comes in handy when you’re new in your place and aren’t familiar with things. People who have lived in the area for a long time are good ones to ask for information from regarding a dental professional you can trust.

A great idea you can use is to ask other health care professionals. Maybe you already have a general practitioner who practices in your area. Ask him/her if he knows of a quality dentist whom he trusts in your area. Check with health care centers and even hospitals who are around the locality. Often, they can recommend someone to you to provide for your dental needs.

Search online. There are a lot of dentists websites on Google and other search engines. A lot of Brisbane dentists can be found on social media like Instagram and Facebook.

Start with a basic visit. When you’ve found the professional you would like to have working on your teeth, begin with a basic visit. You want to get a basic feel for the dentist, the procedures, how you feel and more. Schedule a basic appointment in the beginning so you can check out the dentist to ensure that you are really comfortable with him. Have a conversation with him and talk to him about your concerns. Find someone who is friendly, accommodating and one who does not make you go through treatment you don’t really need.

A good dentist is going to want to know about your previous dental work, your medical history, and they will have your best interest at heart. When you don’t seem to be comfortable or at ease with a dentist on your first visit, go on and continue to search for the right one until you actually find the person.

Health and Beauty

Gallbladder Surgery Guide & Tips from Surgical Specialists

The cholecystectomy is the surgical removal of the gall bladder (gall bladder) inflamed by the presence of gallstones, hard pebbles formed by salts and cholesterol that block the passage of bile.

The gallbladder is a small sac placed under the liver that stores bile, a liquid produced by the liver and needed to digest fats.

Cholesterol and salts can aggregate and form stones that obstruct the passage of bile, causing inflammation of the gallbladder.

The removal of the gallbladder in the presence of stones is the only remedial therapy, as the dissolution of the stones obtainable with drugs or the simple removal of the stones does not prevent them from reforming.

Functions of The Gallbladder

Its task is to collect and store the bile produced by the liver, concentrating it and pouring it into the intestine after meals, especially fat, to promote digestive processes.

Gallbladder Surgery

The gallbladder, therefore, is not a vital organ and patients undergoing cholecystectomy can resume a normal life. Only in the first days or weeks after the operation, some subjects complain of digestive problems (diarrhoea).

Which are easily controlled through appropriate drugs; recovered the intervention can persist a digestive intolerance to particularly abundant and high- fat meals, as well as gastro-oesophageal reflux phenomena.

Gallbladder Stones: What Are the Symptoms?

In the presence of gallbladder stones that require surgery, pain and weight sensation are felt in the upper and right side of the abdomen, which often radiates to the back and right shoulder. Acute and sudden, it indicates colic from cholelithiasis ( gallbladder stones ).

It is a very frequent pathology, the origin and cause of which is not yet fully known. Intense and obstinate disorders can only lead to a surgical indication. The operative risk today is very low, and after the intervention, which involves the removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy), the pain disappears, and you can resume a life almost normal.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Cholecystectomy?

Cholecystectomy is the only remedial intervention in case of gallstones. The simple removal of the stones does not prevent them from reforming over time.

This option becomes necessary in the presence of acute inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), even without stones, and of the pancreas. Pancreatitis is caused by the obstacle to the outflow of bile into the pancreas due to a calculation that has become wedged in the common bile duct.

Is Cholecystectomy Painful or Dangerous?

The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. The patient does not experience any pain while performing. Upon awakening, abdominal pain, localized in the wound area, can be accused, and as a result of anaesthesia, headaches, confusion, tiredness, nausea, and vomiting generally occur.

Cholecystectomy, like all medical interventions and in particular surgical ones, can have unforeseen consequences, even if very rare (organ lesions, infections, haemorrhages, deep vein thrombosis). The risks associated with general anaesthesia (drug reactions, respiratory problems) should be included.

Surgical Technique

The elective procedure for the removal of the gallbladder is laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which for several years has largely replaced the open-air surgical procedure, called an open cholecystectomy.

The advantages of the laparoscopic technique are important, both in terms of health costs and in terms of benefits for the patient. Not surprisingly, it is known to be a minimally invasive surgical technique.

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy


Before the operation, the subject must undergo a series of tests to establish physical fitness for the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. For this purpose, blood tests, an abdominal ultrasound, and a general anaesthetic evaluation are performed to investigate the patient’s clinical history given anaesthesia and surgery.

Gallbladder Surgery guide

During the preparatory phase, the doctor will also investigate the possible use of drugs that could be suspended given the cholecystectomy. For example, if the subject takes anticoagulants ( Coumadin, sintrom ) and antiplatelet agents ( Plavix, Aspirin).

It is generally necessary to discontinue therapy from 5 to 7 days before surgery of cholecystectomy, replacing them with a suitable dose of heparin at low weight molecular ( enoxaparin or similar).

A couple of days before laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a preoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (see below) may be required, through which calculations localized in the common bile duct are sought and possibly removed.

Before surgery, – unless otherwise prescribed by medical prescription – abstention from drinking and food is required for at least 6 hours before surgery; in the days that proceed, intestinal cleansing may also be required through the use of osmotic laxatives. Personal hygiene is also important, so much so that some centres suggest cleansing with special antibacterial soaps.

Before the operation, they are administered antibiotics for intravenously, in order to break down the risk of infection. Once the patient has been anaesthetized, the skin of the abdomen is thoroughly disinfected with an antiseptic solution: the cholecystectomy can then begin.

The prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis can be carried out by the administration of heparin, low molecular weight, or the use of elastic stockings for the graduated compression of the lower limbs.

Who Is It Suitable For?

The doctor may decide to perform a laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the presence of gallbladder and biliary tract stones, and related complications. In particular.

The surgical intervention is indicated in the presence of symptomatic gallbladder stones (presence of gallstones in the gallbladder accompanied by episodes of biliary colic or other typical symptoms ), choledocholithiasis (presence of gallstones in the common bile duct or the common bile duct).

Cholecystitis ( gallbladder inflammation with distension of the gallbladder due to local accumulation of water, mucus – hydrops – and possibly pus -empyema ), obstructive pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas due to the presence of stones in the choledochus, such as to prevent the correct outflow of pancreatic juice into the intestine ).

Health and Beauty

Healthy Looking Hair

Do you seek glowing, shiny and smooth textured hair like all of us, without spending a fortune on hair treatments and products? Well the good news is that there are a lot of home made treatment and moisture mask recipes. Use them at home when you feel comfortable, at your own free time.

But first a few facts, I don’t want to “lecture” you about life style but the most important tip for healthy looking, strong hair is having a balanced nutrition. Like they say, “everything starts from inside”. When you hair looks dry, dull or breaks, probably your body is missing some essential vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C, vitamin B-12, B-5, B-6 and Fe, Zn and Selenium. Last but not least is drinking enough water that will provide natural moisture to your hair.

So you eat a balanced diet, drink enough water and still, when you are facing the mirror you wish your hair looked healthier and shinier. Sometimes having the perfect life style is not enough since we are affected by others parameters surrounding us like weather or simply a bad coloring experience. Your hair and scalp feel the change of season; the cold wind, dry hair and indoor heat cause hair breakage and static electricity make it look spunky and hard to style.

In order to increase your hair’s ability to attract and retain moisture, you can find a lot of hair mask recipes online, like the egg and curd hair mask for example.

Have you fried your hair using a curling iron or overdosed it with bleaching and coloring while trying to reach that elusive perfect blonde?

Don’t panic, it is going to be over soon, try any natural hair mask recipe and you will be surprised by the visible change to your hair. If your hair isn’t in a great shape, use it once a week until you feel your hair’s health was restored, to maintain your hair’s health use it once a month as the perfect hair care treatment, and see the results for yourself!