Irrespective of their favorite sport or workout, people engage in these training exercises for the purpose of obtaining functional fitness at its best. The term of functional fitness refers to the aptitude of staying flexible throughout a lifetime by integrating various elements of fitness into your lifestyle.

An effective method of reaching this goal is a regular utilization of the inversion table. Even though inversion tables are often overlooked by the fitness community, it is necessary to mention that it is one of the best ways to improving the quality of your life as well as achieve back pain relief. There are expensive and there are cheap inversion tables but you have to do your research before buying any. The internet is the place to find the best cheap inversion table UK. Let’s elaborate little further.

Trains your muscles without putting pressure on the spine

While weak abdominal, oblique and lower back muscles will diminish your ability to maintain a good posture, as well as predispose you to back injury and build internal pressure, strong muscles will ensure an improved performance in daily activities as well as sports and workouts. Without denying the fact that athletic activities can help build up the core muscles, it is necessary to mention that such exercises must be performed with technical accuracy so as to prevent injury. In addition, an inversion table can help you get the same results minus exposing you to the risk of injury.

Recuperating after intense activities

In the eventuality that you are currently playing a sport or you are engaged in a fitness program, then you should know that there is always the risk of pulling your spine out of its normal alignment. This goes double for activities that imply utilizing one side of your body extensively (golf, baseball, bowling, water skiing, etc). In order to prevent unpleasant back problems and reduce lower back strain, it would be wise to stretch your overworked muscles on an inversion table afterwards. Furthermore, inversion tables can help clear the lymphatic system faster and hence, help with the proper recuperation after intense workouts.

It strengthens the ligaments

Even though ligaments are flexible, they are not 100% elastic and could be torn when they are stretched too far. Luckily, you can protect your ligaments with the smooth movement you will be performing while on the inversion table. On a side note, because they help prevent the ligaments from getting stiff, inversion tables are highly recommended for sedentary people or those who don’t have time to exercise very often, making it a sound investment.

It stimulates blood circulation

An inversion table could come in handy for all those who want to lend a helping hand to their cardiovascular system. To put it simply, while you will be on the table, the system will no longer retrieve blood from the lower body against gravity, but will work with it and improve overall blood circulation for your body.

It helps the discs and spine stay in good shape

It is a well-known fact that due to the thinning of the spinal disc, an average person can lose between 1 and 5 centimeters in height as they grow older over the years. Fortunately, limiting this effect as well as heal and rejuvenate the discs at the same time can be obtained via a rocking motion. Simply put, this rocking motion is easily effected through an inversion table. Therefore, after the regular 15 to 20 minutes per session on the inversion table – which certainly boosts your blood circulation – rocking back and forth for an extra 5 minutes will ensure a speedy recovery of the discs.

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