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How Solar by Personet’s 3kW Solar Rooftop System is Revolutionizing Homes in Chonburi

In Chonburi, a paradigm shift is occurring in how households consider their energy usage. Leading this change, Solar by Personet introduces its 3kW Solar Rooftop System—an innovative solution designed to meet the energy needs of modern homes while offering significant cost savings.

A Peek into the Power of 3 Kilowatts

Solar energy has become increasingly popular, not only because of its environmental benefits but also due to the efficiency and reliability that come with it. The 3kW system from Solar by Personet epitomizes this shift—providing up to 3000 watts of clean power. This system is especially suited for small to medium-sized households, seamlessly powering daily essentials from morning until night.

Affordability and Long-term Savings

Solar by Personet’s 3kW solar setup is priced at 110,000 THB—making it an affordable way for homeowners to adopt solar energy. The investment is quickly recovered through reduced monthly electricity bills, a benefit that accumulates over the system’s 25-30 year lifespan. This long-term saving is pivotal given rising costs of traditional energy sources.

The Technical Edge

What sets the 3kW system apart is its combination of cutting-edge technology and tailored installation. Solar by Personet employs the latest in solar panel efficiency, ensuring that households receive the highest possible energy output, even during less sunny periods. Proper installation angles and positioning further optimize sunlight capture, an essential factor in maximizing the system’s productivity.

Beyond Savings: Enhancing Lifestyle and Property Value

Transitioning to solar power with the 3kW system does more than just decrease electricity costs, it enhances the overall lifestyle of its users. It provides a consistent and reliable power source, essential for the comfort and convenience of modern living. Furthermore, homes equipped with solar systems see an increase in property value, making this an investment that pays dividends in more ways than one.

Maintenance and Durability: A Worry-Free Investment

Concerns about maintenance are often a barrier to solar adoption. However, Solar by Personet’s approach includes comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring that the system remains efficient and effective throughout its life. The durability of the panels, combined with regular maintenance, means that the system remains a reliable source of energy with minimal additional investment.

Seamless Integration with Modern Homes

The design and aesthetic of the 3kW system have been carefully considered to ensure that it complements the architectural integrity of any home. Its sleek, unobtrusive panels not only generate power but do so without detracting from the home’s appearance—important in maintaining curb appeal.


In essence, Solar by Personet’s 3kW Solar Rooftop System is transforming how homes in Chonburi access and use energy. It offers an ideal blend of affordability, efficiency, and lifestyle enhancement, marking a significant step towards embracing a future where clean, reliable, and self-sufficient energy solutions are the norm. With the 3kW system, homeowners are not just investing in solar panels; they’re investing in a brighter, more empowered future.

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