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Lawn Care Tips and Guidelines

You can easily tell if your lawn is healthy: lush green, and smooth, perfect for croquet or cartwheel. But why does not your lawn look like so?

In order to get a perfect lawn your neighbours in Overland park will envy about, you should think about and provide the needs of the grass. The basic needs are relatively simple: water, sun, fertilizer, and good soil. When you get those down, you and your lawn will be happy, for sure.

Below are some basic lawn care tips and guidelines you should take note of:


The key to planting a new and healthy lawn is planning and preparation. No matter what planting method you go with, you have to prepare the soil carefully to make sure weeds are completely gone and the soil would not immediately compact into lumpy ruts or crust over. Testing the pH of the soil is one of the most important steps, but one that most gardeners fail to do. Soil pH testing can be a hassle, but doing it will actually save you from wasting money.

Begin by stripping the area of any weed, including the roots. Then till to a depth of 6 inches to improve drainage and loosen the soil. It is very important to add compost and loam to make the soil richer. Mixing equal part of sand, loam, and the original topsoil is ideal. For better drainage and prevent pooling, incorporate a slight slope. Then finally, pack down the soil using a roller, and grade the area with using a metal rake. With this process, be as thorough as you can since you cannot go back and regrade after seeding.


Spray on grass is one of the quickest, simplest, and most effective ways to have a healthy and beautiful lawn. It is also less expensive compared to other seeding methods. Spray on grass, also known as hydroseeding or hydromulching only requires only three to four weeks and you will have a green, thick lawn. You do not have to fertilize because the mulch which is a mixture of wood fibers, water, seeds, and tackifier (an agent that holds all the elements together) already has fertilizer.


The right mowing height is another factor for a great lawn. Mowing your lawn extremely short stresses out the grass. The key is to take off less. It is highly recommended to shift the mower to the highest possible notch, so you are only cutting the top third of the grass. Roots are more developed when the grass is taller. Additionally, taller grass provides enough shade which helps keep the soil from drying out fast; and blocks the sun that weed seeds need to germinate. And do not believe that taller grass means you will have to mow more often. There is a big misconception that many people have: when you cut grass shorter, they will not have to mow their lawn more often. This is completely untrue, it renews itself very rapidly that is does not save you any time.

As you can see there is a lot to do. Lawn care is not an easy job and has to be done every season in order to keep the beauty of the lawn. And what about the tools, the equipment? Maybe it would be easier and in most cases more affordable to hire a professional Overland Park lawn care company to take care of your lawn.

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