Basically, an android phone is a kind of smart phone that utilizes the Android operating system, which is not just based on Linux but also created by Android from which it was obviously named. What sets this apart from the rest is that these phones are accessible and more importantly available with all the major and popular carriers with the contract side being optional. Not unlike many of its kind, these do have a good amount of features that make them easier and convenient to use, and in today’s modern world they are imperative if one hopes to compete with the other models.

As was previously stated above what is an android phone does indeed have a good number of features that typically accompany these smart phones but the most notable of which is the ability which what is an android phone provide its users with that involves the integration – and mixture, if you will – with email, text messaging and other kinds of capabilities which phones of this kind typically come with. In other words, it provides one with an easier way to track his or her history with the respective contacts since it is all basically done as a single file. One no longer needs to go through the tedious process of browsing because the aforementioned history all lies within the respective contacts.

An android phone offers the obvious benefits of ease and especially convenience in use of the smart phone, and because of the open-source nature of the operating system which is utilizes, it provides the user with many options not just with the applications and programs which it can read but also customizability and custom recovery. Another plus is that these applications rely on the language of Java, and because of its popularity, there are many available.

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